Friday, 8 January 2010

More Ways to Motivate You Into Weight Loss

Exercise in the Morning (As soon as possible)

I know this is a hard one, and it was for me too for many years.  If you exercise first thing in the morning though, you get it over with.  You don't have the whole day to talk yourself out of it.  I know how it goes:  You've had a hard day at work and you rationalize to yourself that you deserve a break or a treat when you get home, so when you get there, you make yourself a comfort meal and sit on the couch watching TV for the rest of the night.  But if you exercise first thing in the morning, you won't have the whole day to talk yourself out of it. Plus, you'll feel great about yourself for having done it. This great feeling will then impact the rest of your day, so that you'll be better prepared to handle a tough day at work, both physically and  mentally.  Use your challenging job as a reason to exercise, rather than as an excuse not too!

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